Welcome to my new web-site with my own personal domain name. From now on all www.eatwellgallery.com searches will be directed to this site as well as alternate spellings of my name such as lynneeatwell.com and lynnemarieeatwell.com If you would like to contact Eric you will find a link to his web-site on the studio page or you can go to his personal site at www.ericeatwellart.com
I hope that you find this new site faster, easier and more pleasurable to navigate. I have tried to keep it clean and simple while still maintaining a personal touch. In the painting albums I have included some of my older works to give you a sense of my history and in the sculpture pages I have included some images which show the process and progress of some of the work.
Please follow me on facebook under eatwellgallery and sign up to my mailing list on the contact page to receive updates on upcoming event. If you visit the studio George will great you at the gate.